Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024): Interdisciplinary Journal of Advanced Research and Innovation
Interdisciplinary Journal of Advanced Research and Innovation is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal concerning social issues. Monthly published by International Journal Labs, the journal serves as a means of relevant discussion that fall within its focus and scopes.
The journal publishes scientific articles covering aspects of social sciences, ranging from Education, Management, Cultural Studies, Law, Social Health, Psychology, Geography, to Economics belonging to the social context.
This journal publishes research articles covering social and studies.
The journal has become a member of Crossref (Prefix: 10.58860) with Online ISSN xxxx-xxxx and Print ISSN 3031-9455.
Journal title | Interdisciplinary Journal of Advanced Research and Innovation |
Initials | IJARI |
Abbreviation | IJARI |
Frequency | 12 issues per year (monthly) |
DOI | prefix 10.58860 by ![]() |
Online ISSN | 3031-9455 |
Print ISSN | 3031-6987 |
Editor-in-chief | Ahrorov Farhod Bahriddinovich |
Publisher | CV Publica Scientific Solution |
Adress | Tangerang, Gedung My Republic Plaza BSD |
P-ISSN 3031-6987 | E-ISSN 3031-9455